Germania Akademie German courses

More than 120 million people in Europe speak German. Good German language skills are the door opener to German universities and the job market. You will be surprised at the progress you will make with 20 lessons per week in one month.

Fundamentals of German

Intensive Basic Course

Intensive Diplom Course

Intensive Evening Course

Intensive Individual Course


Course description for German courses as a foreign language

In our communicative intensive German lessons in Hamburg in our language school, you will have fun systematically and quickly learning the basic structures and vocabulary of the German language in 20 lessons per week (Monday to Friday) through conversation and listening comprehension exercises, writing dictations, dialogues, free speaking, pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and much more.

We offer intensive German courses for beginners and advanced learners at all levels A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1. Our language training is useful for all areas, whether professional, studying or everyday life.

telc Certificate German

After the course ends, you have the opportunity to take a globally recognized telc exam. As a certified examination center with our own examination experts, we are able to prepare you optimally.

Überzeugen Sie sich von unseren Sprachkurs-Angeboten.

Are you interested in one of our German courses or do you need further information? Then please feel free to contact us. We look forward to a personal conversation with you.